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Caprine Conformation Clinic


Evaluator:   Donna Elkins

Junior Does

Junior Does born in 2015

Entry #1

Evaluator comments:

This doe scores well on the Junior Doe scorecard with her desirable length of body which is balanced well with her length of neck, brisket development and length of rump as well as her width which carries through nicely through the hips and escutcheon. In topline, she would improve with greater levelness over the loin. In legs and feet she is showing well angulated rear legs as we view her from the side and the perpendicular line from hocks to pasterns allows for that nice width between the hocks as well and angularity as we view her from the rear. Because of those traits, she excels in general appearance and the traits I would improve there would be to add some breed character with a more convex nose and some length of ear. From this view I would also look for a smoother junction from the neck in to the shoulders. Overall, a very strong representation in this junior doe.

Entry #2

Evaluator comments:

The mini-nubian doe shown here is showing good body capacity with her width and increasing depth back into the flank. In legs and feet I would like to see front legs more properly set beneath the shoulders which also results in some loss of width as we view her from the front. In the rear legs, she would improve her score by having a more well-angulated stifle and being more perpendicular from hock to pastern, giving her more width between the hocks and feet more squarely placed. In general appearance, she would benefit from more levelness in the rump and loin. In breed character she is showing desirable length of ear which would improve with more drop to the ear set.

Entry #3

Evaluator comments:

This doe is showing a correct front-end assembly with legs set properly below the shoulder giving a nice view of her width from the front. She is showing desirable length of body which would benefit her general appearance more with a greater degree of levelness in the rump. She is strong in angularity over the top with that nice increasing width back through the hips while she would benefit from greater width and arch of escutcheon. A more perpendicular set from hock to pastern would improve the angulation from the rear and greater levelness to the loin would improve overall general appearance. In breed character, it is difficult to see the profile, it appears straight in the photo which would allow for some improvement by being more convex and the ear set would benefit from more drop as well.

Entry #4

Evaluator comments:

Here is a feminine doeling showing good breed character about the head with good length, shape and set to the ears. In body capacity she is showing good length and increasing depth as well as width over the top. I would like to see more levelness in the rump to help balance this doe in general appearance. In legs and feet, from what I can observe here, this doe could benefit from more strength in her pasterns and a straighter front leg as well as improvement in the rear leg angulation from hock to pastern were it more perpendicular. In the front end assembly she would benefit from smoother blending at the neck juncture.

Entry #5

Evaluator comments:

This Mini Nubian exhibits excellent length of body with desirable slope to the rump, incurving at the thigh showing excellent dairy character. The correct ear length, set and shape give her desirable breed character in that area and she is showing a very feminine appearance. She is showing that desirable upright head carriage with a neck that blends in well to the shoulder area. Her angularity continues as we view her from the top with good spring of rib and width through the rear while we would like to a bit more fullness at the point of elbow in those crops. She would benefit from a greater degree of angulation at the stifle which would increase her score in general appearance. With several strong does in this class, this doe will be closest to the ideal.

Entry #6

Evaluator comments:

This doe is showing desirable width in the chest floor and good spring of rib followed by width through the hips and pins and desirable height in the escutcheon. She is level from hips to pins, but we would improve the rump by adding some length to better balance out the nice length of body. In breed character we would want to improve the length and set to the ears and a more convex nose. She is strong in that rear leg set from the side, being well angulated at the stifle and incurving at the thigh. Her openness of rib and sharpness in withers and angularity give us a doe that scores well with her excellent dairy character.

Entry #7

Evaluator comments:

This Mini Nubian doe is presenting adequate body capacity, with improvement to dairy character by adding some length and leanness to the neck. In legs and feet she is showing good width between the hocks and would improve with more angulation at the stifle, more incurving at the thigh, as well as straighter front legs set more properly beneath her. In breed character she is showing adequate length of ear with a convex profile. Her overall general appearance would benefit from a greater angularity as we view her from the side and front.

Entry #8

Evaluator comments:

This Mini-La Mancha doe is exhibiting good length and depth for her age. While she appears high in the withers, the set to her front legs and view from the front are consistent with a front end assembly in need of stronger shoulder attachment and this would also increase her general appearance score, giving her more angularity from the front and side. It appears in the photo her knees are set behind the vertical, i.e. calf kneed. She is showing desirable width over the top with good spring of rib and width from hips to pins as well as in the escutcheon. In dairy character I would like to see her a bit sharper overall.

Entry #9

Evaluator comments:

This Mini Oberhasli appears to have correct coloration and markings. She shows good body capacity with her length of body and depth. She is a very feminine doe with desirable ear set. From the views presented here, she would benefit from a bit more width in the chest floor to balance the spring of rib and width in the rear. I cannot assess much on the legs and feet from these pictures as her stance is offset in all photos. My observation is that her front legs should be more properly set beneath her with more properly attached shoulders and smoother blending from the neck into the shoulder. In rear legs she would improve with more well angulated stifles. Greater levelness over the loin would improve her angularity and general appearance.

Entry #10

Evaluator comments:

This doe is excelling in breed character about the head with her length and shape of ear as well as the pendulous set to her ears. Her convex roman nose only adds to this breed character. She is wide in the chest floor and carries that width over the top with her fullness at the crop, spring of rib and width through the escutcheon. She is very correct in that set to the rear legs, maintaining her width between the hocks and being perpendicular from hock to pastern. (A good example here of how to properly set rear legs for photo comparison) I would like to see those front legs set more correctly underneath her and give more levelness over the loin to improve angularity from the side, but overall a strong doe in this group.

Entry #11

Evaluator comments:

This doe has femininity along with that nice length to her pendulous ears and a convex nose giving her excellent breed character about the head. In body capacity she would benefit from more length to that barrel to balance more properly with her long, lean neck which would also add to her dairy character. In legs and feet she has nice shape to the feet but would improve with elbows held more closely to the body and by being more well angulated at the stifle. The width from hips to pins and through the escutcheon need increase to balance with the width we see in the front end. By adding levelness to the rump and from thurl to thurl her length of rump would be more visible and give her more balance and symmetry.

Entry #12

Evaluator comments:

In our junior doe class, this doe excels in her upstanding appearance and overall sharpness. She is balanced in her width from front to rear and her angularity can be easily seen in each view. Over the top we can observe that fullness and spring of rib blending well back into the increasing width over the hips. Her width continues through thurl and pins into a wide and open escutcheon. In general appearance, she has a feminine appearance, but she is lacking in breed character for the Mini Nubian. To improve her score in legs and feet she would need to be more perpendicular from hock to pastern. She would improve with a more convex nose and additional length, width and drop to the ears. Otherwise, a very strong contender in this group.

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